


Dominica Cable Car Project

ABL are proud to announce that we have partnered with the Government of the Commonwealth of Dominica to build the world’s longest cable car on the island.

Impact on Dominica

The development of the cable car project in Dominica will administer a vast number of benefits to the Island which will pave the way for social, economic and general growth. Such benefits include:


  • Job creation within the construction, hospitality and tourism sectors

  • Revitalisation of Dominica’s tourism industry which had suffered as a result of the COVID-19


  • Increased tourists from abroad and the other Caribbean islands

  • Higher demand for cruise ships to dock in Dominica


We at ABL are of the opinion that local Dominicans have significantly contributed in making the island a truly remarkable place to visit. The cable car, being such a unique and exclusive asset to Dominica, will therefore provide employment to locals who are passionate in exhibiting what their country has to offer the rest of the world.

Professional Consultation
